, they had already led the team to defeat the South Korean team and reached the Asian Championship finals historically, which in itself is enough to explain the problem.

, they had already led the team to defeat the South Korean team and reached the Asian Championship finals historically, which in itself is enough to explain the problem.
Moreover, the overall strength of the Lebanese team is not weak. In addition to Khatib, they also have a large number of naturalized players.
This is also a major feature of West Asian basketball.
The country’s population limits their overall basketball level, so they rely on naturalization to increase the upper limit.
This time in the Asian Championships, Walid, Vogel and others are representatives.
/In other words, Lebanon is strong and will be the strongest opponent the Chinese team will encounter in this Asian Championship.
Facing this strongest opponent, the Chinese team should practice and rest.
Not contempt, but confidence.
After this series of games, the Chinese team has built up enough self-confidence.
On the night of the final day, the arena was packed. This was the night of the championship.
Seeing your team win the championship on your doorstep is definitely a great joy in life.
Of course, the Lebanese team didn’t think so.
During the warm-up before the game, Zhang Weiping went to the venue to interview Khatib.
“What do you think the Lebanese team’s chances of winning tonight are?”
Coach Zhang spoke Chinese English that was not much better than Wang Zhizhi’s, but he also wanted to lower the morale of the Lebanese team before the game.
“We have a high chance of winning. I am confident and believe we can do it.”
However, Khatib’s answer was surprising.
This 21-year-old guy looks youthful and full of confidence.
“What is the source of your confidence?”
/Zhang Weiping asked with a smile.
“Our confrontation, our defense, we will continue to play defensive counterattacks.”
Khatib’s newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.
Zhang Weiping smiled and nodded.
He felt that this guy was going to get a hard blow tonight.
After the warm-up, the scene entered the opening ceremony, and the starting lineups of the two teams came on stage one after another.
For the Lebanese team, Walid, Fahd, Khatib, Haji, Vogel.
For the Chinese team, Wang Fei also kept the same starting lineup.
The outside line of Sun Hao and Hu Weidong, the inside line of Yao Ming and Wang Zhizhi, plus a little Li Feidao.
After the opening ceremony, both sides were making final arrangements before the game.
In the commentary box, Zhang Weiping and Su Qun were talking.
Su Qun did his homework before the game.
“Yes, I was there for that game, and Xiao Hu performed very well.”
Zhang Weiping agreed with a smile.
This was also the reason why he laughed at Khatib’s words before.
The overall strength of that men’s basketball team is far inferior to this men’s basketball team, but they still won by more than 40 points, let alone this men’s basketball team.
Although the Lebanese team has become stronger, it is not enough to compete with the Chinese team.
The game started immediately, and the starters from both sides started to appea



