lped Jiang Mei carry her luggage into the dormitory, quickly left and returned. Wang Bo said to Guan Ping: “Pingping, Sister Mei wants to take a bath. Please show her where the bathroom is and teach her how to use the shower.”

lped Jiang Mei carry her luggage into the dormitory, quickly left and returned. Wang Bo said to Guan Ping: “Pingping, Sister Mei wants to take a bath. Please show her where the bathroom is and teach her how to use the shower.”
“Yes, Bo’er! Sister Mei, let’s go. I will take you to visit the bathroom. This bathroom is very big.” Guan Ping came up to Jiang Mei enthusiastically and introduced to Jiang Mei as she walked.
/The sound of sprinkling water started to sound, and Jiang Mei went to take a bath. Wang Bo took Guan Ping’s hand and entered his bedroom, then closed the bedroom door. With Guan Ping’s surprised and confused expression, he said to Guan Ping: “Pingping, Sister Mei and Zhang Xiaojun divorced. What happened the day before yesterday. Mei Sister Mei’s children followed Zhang Xiaojun, and all her property including the house was given to Zhang Xiaojun. You saw all her belongings just now, including a few clothes and shoes in a woven bag. Sister Mei, she is homeless. Moreover, both human and financial resources are wasted. I will let Sister Mei stay here for two days first. Don’t go to work tomorrow. Please take a leave and spend time with her in the house. After Sister Mei’s mood gets better, I will let her Go to Guanghan’s new store to work.”
If Wang Bo bringing Jiang Mei home only surprised Guan Ping, Jiang Mei’s divorce directly shocked Guan Ping, who was so shocked that she couldn’t speak until After a minute or two, Guan Ping came to her senses and murmured: “Divorced? Why, how could there be a divorce? Aren’t she and Zhang Xiaojun opening a rice noodle shop?” “The
rice noodle shop was closed yesterday. Zhang Xiaojun was outside. With a woman, the other party is also killing ducks in the big market.” Wang Bo roughly explained the reasons for Jiang Mei’s divorce to Guan Ping. They shared the same hatred and naturally favored Jiang Mei. “She was originally planning to ask me and let her I say goodbye to everyone because she has already bought a ticket to Yangcheng tomorrow and will leave Sifang early tomorrow morning to go to Yangcheng to work. But your sister Mei has never even been to Chengdu in her life. Yangcheng is so far away and costs thousands of dollars. Kilometers, she is unaccompanied and alone there, with no one she knows. How can I trust her to go alone? What if something happens? Today’s society is in chaos! To put it bluntly, death We may not know it outside!”
Naturally, Wang Bo would not tell Guan Ping, let alone anyone else, Jiang Mei’s real “where”. But in order for Jiang Mei, a person with a “criminal record” and “stain” on her body, to be easily accepted by Guan Ping, especially Tian Xin, Li Cui, and Jie Ying, who had “scolded” her before, Wang Bo could only make mistakes and deceive others with the reasons Jiang Mei had used to deceive him.
Guan Ping already sympathized with Jiang Mei, a fellow villager. Even when everyone criticized Jiang Mei and cursed her, Guan Ping always believed that Jiang Mei did not do it out of her own heart but because of her. The evil-minded hus



