t does, neither he nor Cheng Wenjin, whom he is optimistic about, has experience in the entertainment industry, and he has been worried about how to start and carry out work in this area. I was worried until I met Fok Wenxi, a well-known agent in Hong Kong, and he still wanted something from me, and then I suddenly understood and saw the entry point for starting my own studio.

t does, neither he nor Cheng Wenjin, whom he is optimistic about, has experience in the entertainment industry, and he has been worried about how to start and carry out work in this area. I was worried until I met Fok Wenxi, a well-known agent in Hong Kong, and he still wanted something from me, and then I suddenly understood and saw the entry point for starting my own studio.
/“Haha, this is the right thing.” Huo Wenxi said with a smile, “By the way, when will you call your aunt over? I can make arrangements here.” ”
/Well, I’ll do it as soon as possible.” Let Cheng Wenjin learn to be an agent with Huo Wenxi It was just an impromptu idea he made last night, and Cheng Wenjin is currently not even willing to be the agent of his literary studio. He suddenly told the other party that he would resign and go to Hong Kong to study and take charge of the future “Wang Zi’an Music Studio”. He also I’m really not sure whether Cheng Wenjin will agree.
However, music and literature are very different. His mother-in-law had always had a musical dream, but due to a twist of fate, she settled in a corner and was engaged in a job that she didn’t really like. If there is a chance for her to return to the music industry, even if she is not a star, but just a manager and nurturing star, it must be a great comfort to her.
After solving the major issue that had been hanging on his mind, Wang Bo suddenly felt very relaxed. After finishing the martini in his hand, he ordered another glass of whiskey with ice.
“By the way, little brother, are those four new songs of yours prepared for the newcomers in your studio?” Huo Wenxi on the opposite side suddenly asked as if he had an idea.
“Yes.” Wang Bo nodded, I guess it was tailor-made for them. “Wang Bo was talking nonsense. Those four songs were not tailor-made. They were just to facilitate him to pretend to be cool, pick up girls, and improve his artistic style.
“It’s nothing to be surprised about. Li Kai, the rich second generation, enjoys the blessings of his old man. If it weren’t for his old man, he might not even be able to catch up with me now. “Wang Bo flattened his lips and shrugged, with an indifferent expression on his face. Then he turned to one side and looked at Tian Xin who was driving. “In a few years, when we have money, we will also go to Repulse Bay to buy a house facing the sea. Spring is warm. A big villa with flowers blooming, then hire two Filipino servants, hire a British housekeeper, and a Chinese cook, buy a few top-of-the-line Mercedes-Benz cars in the garage at home to pick up guests, and we will take the labor of bringing the little angel. Slice or Bentley, sister Xin, what do you think? ”
“These songs of yours are of high quality. If you are in In Hong Kong, any song can make a new person famous. I’m really jealous of the two newcomers in your studio. “Huo Wenxi showed an envious look at the right time. The two women beside him, Zhong Tong and Cai Yan, also had envious looks on their faces. Huo Wenxi looked at Wang Bo and continued: “Moreover, it make



