you sent me, but because there are too many things to do, I can’t reply to them all in detail.” After Zhang Wei’s story came to an end, Wang Bo spoke and explained again. Explain the reason why you “snubbed” the other party.

you sent me, but because there are too many things to do, I can’t reply to them all in detail.” After Zhang Wei’s story came to an end, Wang Bo spoke and explained again. Explain the reason why you “snubbed” the other party.
“It’s okay, Brother Bo.” Zhang Wei stopped and turned his head to stare at Wang Bo beside him, “I know you are very busy, and I didn’t expect you to reply. I just wanted to send you a text message.” Probably Feeling that her words were a bit straightforward and lacked the restraint of a girl, Zhang Wei’s pretty face turned red and she lowered her head.
/It was difficult for Wang Bo to accept these words, and he felt further and further away from the sincere words he was preparing to say to the other party. He has never been a hard-hearted person, and he can never stand the tender treatment of women, especially beautiful women. In his previous life, he had almost never been treated tenderly by any beautiful woman, and it was even rarer for him to be actively pursued by a beautiful woman. Therefore, he had always lacked the “boldness” and “open-mindedness” of a playboy who would give up and take things as he pleased. Once a beautiful woman develops a relationship with him that goes beyond friendship, it will be difficult for him to let go of her unless the beautiful woman takes the initiative. For example, Dong Zhen, who had already broken up, and Sun Li, who was chased back by him after they broke up.
For Zhang Wei, he didn’t have much emotion at first, only biological instinct impulses, especially the identity of the other party’s “sister-in-law”, which inexplicably added a strange charm. However, by some strange combination of circumstances, when he really got to know the other person “deeply” and had skin-to-skin contact with the other person, he heard the girl humming softly in his ear, and felt close to him with his mouth and hands. Feeling the hotness, elasticity and softness of the girl’s skin, including the emotional text messages she had been tirelessly sending one after another in the recent period, accumulated over time and step by step, which made him feel something different about this woman who originally only had lust but no emotion. Love, you can even say care.
The atmosphere between the two suddenly became somewhat silent. Wang Bo was thinking in his mind whether to talk now. Zhang Wei likes him, and for this reason he does not hesitate to betray his boyfriend. He also begins to have feelings for this woman who, although she has bad “personal ethics”, has always been nice to him and is careful to please him, but this does not allow him to ignore her. The reason for accepting the other party. Otherwise, his former tablemate Liao Xiaoqing, who is no worse than Zhang Wei, and his close golf friend Zeng Siqi are all interested in him. He also likes these two beautiful girls who know everything about them, so doesn’t he have to accept them too?
Even for people who can “do whatever they want”, there are still many things that they cannot “do” arbitrarily!
It was Zhang Wei wh



