o under the guise of computer training.

o under the guise of computer training.
Wang Boy became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke, expecting that a few people would give him some applause, but looking at their expressions, except for his cousin, the others looked completely confused about what he was saying.
“What are you talking about, Bobo? Why can’t you understand Nan?” Li Jing said in confusion.
“The top student deserves to be tall!” Xue Tao completely returned to the teacher the knowledge he learned in the computer class in high school. He didn’t quite understand what Wang Bo said, but he didn’t realize it.
/“A computer room is just a computer room, and an Internet cafe? Pretending to be sophisticated!” Dong Zhen rolled her eyes at Wang Bo. She had seen the computer room once in Deshi City. When she saw that it was full of gamers and students, she immediately lost interest.
/Only Li Junhua looked at Wang Bo differently, with a hint of surprise and joy. The Agricultural Bank of China has recently launched information management, saying it wants to follow the trend of the times and integrate with international standards. Li Junhua is reading books on computers during this time, and plans to go to the provincial capital to buy a computer to practice his skills in a while. She was not unfamiliar with the foreign names such as CPU, DOS, and Windows that Wang Bo mentioned. But other things like “Interstellar”, “Red Alert”, “Dark Destroyer” and so on, she was a little confused and confused. Li Junhua guessed it was some kind of game.
“Can this Internet cafe really make money? Is it more profitable than opening a game arcade?” Li Junhua asked curiously.
“Let me put it this way, let me do the math for you. Computers are relatively expensive nowadays, but instead of buying a branded computer, you go to a computer store to install the machine, the case, the monitor, the mouse and the keyboard, including the hard drive, which have little to do with the performance of the computer. I use the simplest one. I estimate that it can be purchased for about 5,000 yuan. If you buy five units, you can start a business with 25,000 yuan. People from outside come to play and charge 6 to 8 yuan an hour. Let’s count it as 6 yuan. Calculating each computer for ten hours a day, that’s three hundred! Nine thousand a month, the cost can be recovered in less than three months! Taking a step back, if you exclude labor costs, rent, electricity, computers, tables and chairs The cost of depreciation can be recovered in three and a half months at most. The remaining eight/nine months, excluding labor, rent and electricity bills, are all profits!”
Wang Bo was too lazy to talk to these “uneducated” people. What professional terminology did Shuawa’er (a fun person) use? Let’s go straight to the profit analysis.
“You will get your money back in three months, Bobo, you, you are not making money, you are robbing money!” Xue Tao was shocked and said in disbelief.
Li Jing, Dong Zhen, and Wang Bo’s cousin Li Junhua also looked in disbelief.
“Bobo, is six yuan an hour to



