cried whenever something happened, and his tone suddenly became cold. In fact, despite the fact that Tang Ye is usually very charming, but with the change of status, few people have dared to be so presumptuous with her over the years. At this time, she is full of arrogance, majesty, and her beautiful features are revealed. A bit of a murderous spirit.

cried whenever something happened, and his tone suddenly became cold. In fact, despite the fact that Tang Ye is usually very charming, but with the change of status, few people have dared to be so presumptuous with her over the years. At this time, she is full of arrogance, majesty, and her beautiful features are revealed. A bit of a murderous spirit.
Seeing her like this, Wen Liang calmed down and said calmly: “I’ve explained it before. It’s up to you to believe it or not. But Director Tang, you have to be careful. Where is your position? My leg is injured.” “It’s really harder to carry you here without disturbing you than to resist this flood.”
Tang Ye looked coldly into Wen Liang’s eyes. The strange thing was that with her eyesight, she couldn’t see him speaking. Sometimes there are some mood swings and strangeness.
She knew that she had a habit of turning over when sleeping. Maybe it was like Wen Liang said that she accidentally rolled over here. In such a cold weather, it is human nature to hug each other for warmth. No one can blame her.
/But even so, Wen Liang’s tone of voice was still annoying to her as always. The two of them looked at each other and could smell each other, but there was no sense of ambiguity at all. Instead, they felt a strong sense of hostility.
“Let go!”
Wen Liang let go of his hand. Tang Ye turned around and left without saying a word. When he walked out the door, he stretched out his hand to wipe the fingerprints on his pants, but he vaguely remembered that a big hand seemed to reach out to his body in the dream, that kind of It’s been a long time since I’ve had this hot feeling.
/The lights on the dam in the distance were brightly lit and people were buzzing. The heavy rain had gradually subsided. Wen Huaiming was wearing a raincoat and holding a trumpet and loudly commanding everyone. He looked more determined than when he first met.
Tang Ye turned his head and looked at the small, dark cabin, and a few confused looks flashed in his eyes!
Wen Huaiming smiled proudly and said: “I have done something that I should do, and I can’t deserve Director Tang’s praise. However, I still hope that Director Tang can report more about the many ordinary people on this dam. Without them, there would be no Longtougou Reservoir.” “Safety”
Tang Ye interrupted him with a smile and said, “Let’s not talk about this anymore. We have experienced such a difficult moment together. Didn’t we say goodbye without a hug?”
Wen Huaiming hugged her lightly and said, “For victory!” ”
Yes, for victory! ”
Tang Ye sat in the back seat of Santana’s car and turned her head to look at the crowd on the dam. She may never have the opportunity to experience such a life-and-death moment in her life, but she will never forget that night. Those people
arrived that afternoon, The rain began to subside, and reinforcements from the county finally caught up. With the help of bulldozers, excavators, mixers and other large equipment, the dams were recast, and the raging floods could no longer move forward. We



