again and said: “You have never met Luo Qi, so you don’t know anything about this person. What I want to say is best described in eight words: personable and talented, the only flaw is He just looks too coquettish. How could such a smart person not understand that if he offends me, the security officer is not enough to protect him?” “

again and said: “You have never met Luo Qi, so you don’t know anything about this person. What I want to say is best described in eight words: personable and talented, the only flaw is He just looks too coquettish. How could such a smart person not understand that if he offends me, the security officer is not enough to protect him?” ”
Besides, the main building of the hotel has already been built, and the other supporting facilities and infrastructure are complete. , without Zhang Butcher, can you still eat pigs with hair? At worst, it won’t be a big problem to bring Ye Zhiwei back. So it is still as I estimated, he must have become hostile to me because of something, but this hostility should not be behind his back. Because he didn’t dare to use too drastic means to punish me, he had no choice but to choose things like jealousy that hurt a man’s face the most.”
A hint of coldness appeared on Wen Liang’s face and he said: “Don’t tell me, just now in the big world, I haven’t been that angry for a long time. Luo Qi is very smart and accurately found my weakness.”
What is Wen Liang’s weakness?
/Wen Liang once promised Cui Buyan that he would teach him how to chase the goddess in his heart, but he didn’t expect that with the words still in his ears, Luo Qi would get there first because of him.
It would be fine if Luo Qi really liked Zhou Jing, but he was obviously just doing it to vent his personal anger, which is what Wen Liang cannot tolerate the most.
“Let Lao Jiu come back!”
If something like this happened, it was natural to recruit the security minister to come back. Wen Liang has only had contact with Luo Qi four or five times, and Zuo Yuxi has never met him in person, so his understanding is really limited. However, the security guard knows the basics and may be able to find clues and breakthroughs.
Wen Liang nodded, his eyes deep and invisible, and said: “I called him on the way here and asked him to fly back on the earliest flight. He should be able to arrive in Qingzhou early tomorrow morning.”
Putting Luo Qi’s affairs aside for the time being, Wen Liang lowered his head. Head, fingers slowly traced Zuo Yuxi’s delicate eyebrows, then followed the smooth and tender cheeks to the attractive red lips, gently rubbed the two thin lips, and whispered He said, “I haven’t thanked you for Tutu’s schooling.”
It was obviously for Tutu, but actually it was for Si Yajing. The two of them had a heart-to-heart connection, and some words didn’t need to be said clearly. Zuo Yuxi hid in Wen Liang’s arms, found a more comfortable position, and cooperated by sticking out the tip of her tongue and licking his fingers like a kitten.
“Tutu is cute and sensible. I like her very much.” Zuo Yuxi’s eyes were so bright that the morning star and night moon couldn’t be described. However, she paused and said coldly: “As for Si Yajing?” Wen Liang
pinched her nose. , smiled and said: “Don’t be naughty, you can’t scare me if you suppress your enthusiasm first.”
Zuo Yuxi imitated the words that Wen Liang often talked



