Wen Huaiming shook his head and smiled bitterly. Wen Liang’s development had already exceeded his expectations, so he was not qualified to say anything more. He said: “Since Qingzhou is impossible, then Guanshan and Lingyang Do you have a suitable choice among the four cities of , Linze and Fengtai?”

Wen Huaiming shook his head and smiled bitterly. Wen Liang’s development had already exceeded his expectations, so he was not qualified to say anything more. He said: “Since Qingzhou is impossible, then Guanshan and Lingyang Do you have a suitable choice among the four cities of , Linze and Fengtai?”
Wen Liang smiled and said: “Only with competition can we make progress. To whet their appetites, it is not a bad thing for me. Wen
Huaiming decided to end the conversation, because from his perspective, Wen Liang, a profiteer who exploited competition among cities to maximize profits, was particularly hateful. He said, “I’ll deal with Yang Guangsheng’s side. You should also pay more attention.” Don’t move too fast.”
After talking about business, Ding Mei and Ding Lan also came back from work in the clothing city. Ever since Wen Liang introduced her to Jiang Yue’s purchasing methods, Bi Yasi’s clothes are now the best in the entire Isatis Clothing City. It is unique and one of the best-selling shops. The two sisters often have to be busy until late at night to get home. However, for Ding Mei and Ding Lan, the sense of accomplishment brought by being busy with his own career is far greater than what working in a factory or being a housewife at home can give him, not to mention this little fatigue. Not worth mentioning at all.
When she was preparing to take a rest, she received a call from Zuo Yuxi. She went to Guanshan for three days of meetings and went to other cities to participate in exchange activities. She just came back yesterday and had not yet met Wen Liang.
“Fan Bo arrived in Qingzhou today?”
/“Director Zuo is very well-informed. What’s wrong? Could it be that Yang Guangsheng is so powerful that he hired you as a lobbyist?”
Zuo Yuxi said on the other side of the phone. Laughter: “It’s true that I’m a lobbyist, but you might as well guess who the person who
invited me is!” Wen Liang said almost without thinking: “Is there any need to guess? Except for my father-in-law, no one can invite us. Is the chief going to take action?”
Zuo Yuxi said sweetly: “Old treacherous and cunning!”
Wen Liang laughed and said, “What did my father-in-law say?”
“He wants to invite you to Lingyang tomorrow.”
Wen Liang teased, “Okay, you sold me, right?”
Tomorrow Fan Bo would arrive at Lingyang, the last stop of his trip. Zuo Jing asked Wen Liang to go with him at this time, and his intention was self-evident. But that’s fine. At least on the surface, Wen Liang has taken the initiative and is more confident.
Having an affair with someone’s younger daughter and having an affair with the eldest daughter, if you don’t have enough confidence, you will inevitably feel a little nervous when facing someone like Zuo Jing.
“He knows about Fan Bo’s relationship with you, so he asked one more question, and I had to tell the truth. Good man, aren’t you angry?”
To be honest, Wen Liang has been waiting for this opportunity for too long. Mature, but there is no suitable reason. This time, the right time, the right place an



