ways known that making money is difficult, but they don’t know that spending money is even harder. Especially in the charity industry, it is far from as simple as just waving your hand and throwing money around. Qi Shu has this understanding, and he has actually got started!

ways known that making money is difficult, but they don’t know that spending money is even harder. Especially in the charity industry, it is far from as simple as just waving your hand and throwing money around. Qi Shu has this understanding, and he has actually got started!
Qi Shu smiled calmly, not taking Wen Liang’s praise to heart, and said, “I came to see Mr. Wen today because I actually want to get a promise.”
Wen Liang sat upright, listened attentively, and gave Qi Shu absolute respect, saying, “You Say!”
“I want to have all the power of the foundation. How to operate, how to invest, how to prepare, how to support, all are left to me. You can’t interfere or ask!” When he said this, Qi Shu’s eyes Staring at Wen Liang’s face without blinking, as if trying to capture all his expressions.
/Wen Liang didn’t hesitate and almost continued her words by saying: “Okay, I agree!”
This time it was Qi Shu’s turn to be stunned and said: “Young Master Wen, are you sure you understand what I said? You don’t have to think about it. Think about it?”
Wen Liang poured tea for her and himself with his own hands, handed a cup over, and said, “This is what I wanted to say, but I was afraid that Miss Qi would be too tired, so I didn’t explain it. Now I know that you have this Heart, of course I would be happy to be a hands-off shopkeeper, ha!”
Qi Shu took the cup and felt the warmth that passed through the glass into the palm of his hand. What was even warmer was the heart that was covered in dust in the abyss. Since being taken over by Gu Shitong After abandoning her, she thought she would never trust or be trusted by anyone again in this life, but Wen Liang just handed over the foundation that might be worth tens of millions to her without any hesitation. Such magnanimity and kindness Even when Gu Shitong was at his peak, he had never been treated like this.
She lowered her head, drank the tea in silence, and said: “Young Master Wen, actually I was just trying to test my words just now. As long as you hesitate a little bit, I can safely refuse to work for the foundation. Please forgive me for taking advantage of your kindness. !”
/Wen Liang is so smart. Naturally, she had already figured out Qi Shu’s intentions today. She must have doubted her intentions after going home to meditate, so today she proposed a condition that no one seemed to be able to accept. Blocking her own mouth would also allow her to see her true face and give up her desire to live in the world.
This can’t be blamed on her. No one who has had her experience will be able to trust someone so easily. She said in a gentle and gentle voice: “Miss Qi, you and I are both people who have walked through the darkness, but as long as we persist in walking through it, , you will definitely see the ray of light that lights up. I firmly believe this, and I hope you can believe it too!”
Qi Shu was silent for a long time, raised his head, smiled so brightly, and said: “Call me Xiao Shu from now on. , although I am older than you, but in my heart, you are eno



