Si Yajing washed her face, and the cold water flowed over her cheeks, suppressing the restlessness in her body. She pressed her hands on the edge of the sink, raised her head, and stayed there.

Si Yajing washed her face, and the cold water flowed over her cheeks, suppressing the restlessness in her body. She pressed her hands on the edge of the sink, raised her head, and stayed there.
Is this person in the mirror myself?
The blush on her face has not dissipated. It is like a few winter plums sprinkled on the white snow, as cold as frost and as beautiful as clouds. The few strands of hair hanging down are wet and attached to the forehead, and a few drops of water flow down the slender neck into the top. The neckline left a shallow mark on the skin that could be broken by a blow. The round and pointed erection is enough to enchant most men, and the perfect curve cannot be concealed even if it is hidden under clothes. The alluring smell unique to a young woman radiates through every inch of her body, not to mention the gentleness of youth. Even a monk is afraid of being moved by ordinary people.
/Why am I like this?
His slender hands slowly grasped the edge, and a heart-stopping pain flashed through his eyes. Pan Guofei’s ferocity and cruelty over the past few years, and Xia Minru’s face of disdain and ridicule, passed silently across the smooth mirror like a movie. When she found out that the family and marriage she had worked so hard to maintain were just a joke in the end, she almost collapsed on the spot. Thanks to Wen Liang’s not-so-tall but reassuring figure, she retained the last bit of dignity as a woman and did not fall in love with another woman. He turned into a complete fool in front of him!
Yes, big fool, the stupidest fool in the world!
This feeling made the usually dignified young woman a little scared and confused, but more importantly, it was the pain of struggle!
She stared at the charming woman in the mirror for a long, long time. Then she suddenly reached out and brushed her long hair, and a heartbreaking smile bloomed on her pretty face.
As soon as she walked out of the bathroom, she saw the young man standing against the wall at the door. Si Yajing was stunned for a moment. Wen Liang came over to greet him and explained: “I also went to the toilet on the way and will wait for you at the door.”
Si Yajing was moved in her heart and knew that He couldn’t worry about himself, after all, things could easily go wrong in a place like a bar where everyone is mixed.
“We’re done drinking, let’s go?”
Wen Liang looked at Si Yajing and wisely decided that he needed to leave. Otherwise, if he kept drinking, there was no telling what would happen. Si Yajing shook her head, walked past Wen Liang, and suddenly looked back and smiled: “Why are you standing there stupidly? Come here.”
Wen Liang took a deep breath, rubbed his face with both hands, and followed helplessly.
Next came Wen Liang’s performance time. He took Si Yajing hand in hand and played the most popular mini-games in the bar for twenty years. He laughed loudly and shouted freely, putting aside the shackles of his identity and playing with tears. Wine easily intoxicates people’s hearts.
/After twelve o’clock, the b



