Comrade Li Xiaolei’s analysis is very reasonable. Since the Liangzhuang Agricultural Foundation cannot be shut down, and since it is operating well, especially if the risk management and control is not good but very good, the county party committee and county government should support it. . Because this is not only supporting the Liangzhuang Agricultural Foundation, but also supporting the economic construction of Liangzhuang and even Quansigang.”

Comrade Li Xiaolei’s analysis is very reasonable. Since the Liangzhuang Agricultural Foundation cannot be shut down, and since it is operating well, especially if the risk management and control is not good but very good, the county party committee and county government should support it. . Because this is not only supporting the Liangzhuang Agricultural Foundation, but also supporting the economic construction of Liangzhuang and even Quansigang.”
The twenty-day training ended in the blink of an eye.
There was no “outstanding student” selection this time. If there had been a selection, student Han, who never arrived late or left early, didn’t miss a single class, and listened carefully to every class, would definitely be rated as an outstanding student.
Tomorrow is the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, and the day after tomorrow is New Year’s Eve.
Each one is busier than the other. Those who don’t live in the party school don’t need to pack up. The students who live in the party school packed their luggage yesterday. As soon as the graduation ceremony was over, the provincial leaders who attended the ceremony left and quickly got into the long-awaited cars. The fastest ones were probably already out. To the city.
Han Bo and Lin Zhanchen were definitely “not active” when they returned home. They were the only two people left in the whole building. There were too many legal consultations, policy analyzes and feasibility studies for “President Li”, so I specially found a few Packed in cartons.
I packed a box and sealed it with transparent tape. I couldn’t find the scissors, so I bit it with my teeth. After biting it, I pulled out a section with a “squeak”, and then sealed the other carton that Lin Zhanchen had packed.
/“Chu Lin, it is not easy for the party and the country to train a leading cadre. I am almost tired of hearing this sentence. I don’t know what others think, but I feel deeply. I studied in Beijing for four years, and the training fees of the Open University and Peking University were borne by the bureau. Yes, other students spend money to go to school, but I get paid to go to school, with salary and subsidies.”
Han Bo looked back at the room where he had lived for 21 days, and sighed: “I returned to my original unit for half a year, and then came to study at the Provincial Party School. . The training fee is more than 1,000, and the accommodation fee is 120 per day. Including food expenses, the bureau has invested more than 5,000 in me. I am only the proposed deputy division leader. If I am at the department, bureau, provincial or ministerial level, How much money do you need to invest in a leading cadre?”
/Sometimes his ideas are really different from others.
Others may think that he is hypocritical when they hear this, and some may even think that there is something wrong with his mind. Not so for Lin Zhanchen, because these words sounded familiar, or at least they felt familiar.
Lao Lu only criticizes others and never criticizes himself, but that doesn’t mean he won’t refl



