His father Zou Minggao happened to be back from spraying pesticides and was cleaning the sprayer in the small canal at the door. The old party secretary didn’t know why, so he shouted from afar: “Minggao, how many years has your third son been away? The police station has not moved out. Aren’t the police stations responsible for household registration? A lot of information cannot be accessed online. Director Fang will come to see you personally to ask.” “The

His father Zou Minggao happened to be back from spraying pesticides and was cleaning the sprayer in the small canal at the door. The old party secretary didn’t know why, so he shouted from afar: “Minggao, how many years has your third son been away? The police station has not moved out. Aren’t the police stations responsible for household registration? A lot of information cannot be accessed online. Director Fang will come to see you personally to ask.” “The
household registration has not been moved out. There are many people leaving, and it’s not just my Xiaowei.” Didn’t do it. Feeling guilty and not afraid that the police would come to his door, Zou Minggao put down the sprayer, wiped his hands and came over.
“You don’t understand the government’s affairs. If your superiors ask you to do statistics, you will do it. If you are asked to do the data, you will do it, regardless of whether it is useful or not. People are other people’s families, and your family is your family. Tell me, what is Zou Wei’s plan for your family? , do you want to move your household registration?”
“The land will be divided again soon, Party Secretary Gu, does this have anything to do with dividing the land?” ”
Nonsense, it must be! Once the household registration is moved, he is no longer a member of the farm. If he is not a member of the farm, I will give him a share. Where.”
“Then we won’t move.”
“Old Zou, it’s up to you whether to move or not. It’s best to call and ask your son where he is now, how he is doing, and whether he has made a fortune.” Director Fang patted the suspect’s father on the shoulder and chuckled.
“How do I get rich? I just play cotton. I married a wife in Jiang Province and opened a cotton wool processing shop.”
Is there any mistake? I have been looking for him for six or seven years, but he is still in Jiang Province. Wang Jiefang was It made me dumbfounded.
In the past two years, the police station has gone to the village more often than before, either to promote something or to come down to apply for ID cards. Zou Minggao thought that he was really going to collect some materials, so he brought the three of them into the main room and pointed to a New Year painting on the wall. A string of numbers: “This is the phone number in his store. I don’t have a phone installed at home. My eldest son has one at home. I asked my boss to call me tonight and ask.” The
/area code of Jiangcheng. Zou Wei should have run westward, but he actually hid. Went near the provincial capital.
Wang Jiefang took out his mobile phone and quietly saved the phone number. His attention immediately shifted to a large glass photo frame, and he once again confirmed whether one of the photos inside was of the person he was looking for.
That’s right!
Back then, I was looking for someone to draw his portrait, and many people had seen him. His facial features were exactly the same. He was the one I was looking for!
It takes time for colleagues in Jiang Province to organize arrests, and they must not alert the snake at the la



