se was solved that year, you still left so many doubts. You never gave up and always kept it in mind. As a main member of the task force, I also think about it from time to time, sometimes even in my dreams. Dreaming about it.”

se was solved that year, you still left so many doubts. You never gave up and always kept it in mind. As a main member of the task force, I also think about it from time to time, sometimes even in my dreams. Dreaming about it.”
“Really, Wang Da has talked to me more than once.” Wang Yan nodded, with a serious look on her face.
Wang Jiefang lit a cigarette and continued: “You don’t want to leave any regrets, so you have been investigating. Bureau Han does not want to leave any regrets, and has been supporting you in the investigation. As for me, I have done nothing but think these years. I am also a criminal police officer, Or Captain of the Criminal Police Brigade, don’t make me feel ashamed, don’t let me miss this opportunity again, okay?”
Among so many old colleagues and comrades-in-arms, the most critical one is of course Han Bo, but the one with the most interactions is undoubtedly the one in front of me.
When he served as deputy squadron leader, he was an ordinary policeman who had just started working.
When he was the criminal police squadron leader, he was the deputy squadron leader.
Later, the bureau held a competition to recruit the deputy captain of the criminal police brigade. Originally, only squadron leaders and instructors from the grassroots teams could participate. However, he came from behind and competed for the job.
So much so that we didn’t see eye to eye for several years afterwards, which is really funny when I think about it now.
“Who is going to Dongshan and who is going to Zhejiang Province?”
“Xiao Qian and I are going to Dongshan. I have been there several times. The leaders of the local police station, criminal police team and even the county bureau all know each other and are familiar with each other. It is most suitable for me to go.”
/Are you kidding me? , you have worked hard to investigate for so many years, and for a long time you were even misunderstood by your leaders and colleagues. It was not easy to find out the clues, but you gave up the opportunity to arrest the suspect yourself!
Wang Jiefang didn’t feel comfortable with what he thought, and waved his hand: “Old Cheng, let me go to Dongshan. I’m not familiar with it, but you are familiar with it. Help me call the local colleagues, and I will go with the procedures. .”
“Yes, Cheng Da, you should go to Zhejiang Province.” Wang Yan and Wang Jiefang thought of going together, hoping that he would catch the suspect with his own hands.
/Cheng Wenming didn’t want to, but after so many years of investigation and having experienced so many things, he even wanted to turn this bizarre and tortuous murder case into a solid case.
He took a long puff of cigarette and said solemnly: “Old Wang, Wang Yan, it has been six or seven years since the incident, and the current legal environment is different from that of back then. We all know that Zou killed another cotton player, otherwise he would The reaction won’t be so suspicious, but what’s the use of just knowing, you have to have evidence!”
Too much time has passe



