force to grasp so many situations in just over a month. More than a dozen police officers who participated in the war did not take a break during the Spring Festival. Although they did a lot of work day and night, the time was not yet ripe to close the network.

force to grasp so many situations in just over a month. More than a dozen police officers who participated in the war did not take a break during the Spring Festival. Although they did a lot of work day and night, the time was not yet ripe to close the network.
/What we need most now is time, even if we only have another 24 hours.
Han Bo weighed it up, raised his head and asked, “Comrade Luo Min, how did several suspects with the right of residence in other countries enter the country?” ”
Report to the Korean Bureau, they transited through Hong Kong and entered through Luohu Port.”
Via Hong Kong There are two advantages of transit. First, there are more international flights to Hong Kong than direct flights to Shenzhen, and the air tickets are relatively cheaper; second, the way they obtain the right of residence in other countries may not be very honorable. They apply for political asylum by making up some unfounded facts. If the immigration bureau of another country discovers that they have returned to China (Mainland), then their reasons for applying for political asylum at that time will undoubtedly be untenable.
You have obviously been “persecuted”, how dare you go back?
Therefore, some people who smuggled themselves to European and American countries and obtained the right of residence through political asylum will first use their passports when they return to their home countries, and then use the Hong Kong passes they applied for before arriving in Hong Kong. In this way, the passport only has the stamp of the Hong Kong Immigration Department, and the Immigration Bureau will think that he only went to Hong Kong and did not return to mainland China.
“When I came back yesterday, I shouldn’t have left so quickly.”
Han Bo rubbed his nose out of habit and said resolutely: “Comrade Luo Min, I will help you coordinate with the bank. You should also seize the time to organize the police to go to the relevant bank to inquire, and try to make it before noon tomorrow. Master all the bank accounts of the gang in the country and find out the flow of its funds.”
“This is one aspect, people must keep an eye on it! The principal culprit must be caught, and the accomplices must not slip through the net. Comrade Xiang Rong, close the net. Take personal responsibility and immediately handle the formalities such as letters of introduction, detention and summons, and dispatch police officers from various units to the eighteen cities where the accomplices are located.” ”
Yes, I will arrange it immediately.”
Han Bo looked at the time on his watch, stood up and said: “Time is urgent, start taking action.”
There are currently as many as 56 people involved in the case, distributed in more than a dozen provinces and cities across the country. If someone takes action here, they will definitely run away after receiving the news. If the suspect escapes, It will be very difficult to catch him again, and it will be even more difficult to recover the stolen money.
/As soon as Han Bo gave the order, everyone t



