ven you, the deputy director’s family, cannot solve the problem. In the past, I The situation of your lover is not very clear. I just found out today that your lover is not simple. Like you, he is an undergraduate who graduated from Jiangsu University. He has worked in enterprises and the financial system. He is a provincial-level outstanding individual and a provincial-level ‘March 8th Red Flag Bearer’. ‘, not only served as the chairman of Nangang City Commercial Bank, but also served as the economic adviser to the county people’s government of several counties, and even won the honorary title of ‘National Advanced Individual in Social Poverty Alleviation’. Isn’t this the high-quality talent that we are in urgent need of? “

ven you, the deputy director’s family, cannot solve the problem. In the past, I The situation of your lover is not very clear. I just found out today that your lover is not simple. Like you, he is an undergraduate who graduated from Jiangsu University. He has worked in enterprises and the financial system. He is a provincial-level outstanding individual and a provincial-level ‘March 8th Red Flag Bearer’. ‘, not only served as the chairman of Nangang City Commercial Bank, but also served as the economic adviser to the county people’s government of several counties, and even won the honorary title of ‘National Advanced Individual in Social Poverty Alleviation’. Isn’t this the high-quality talent that we are in urgent need of? ”
The leader has obviously done some homework and investigated so clearly.
/Thinking of his wife’s glorious past, Han Bo said with an embarrassed look: “Guanju, I’m not afraid of your jokes. No matter when I was working in Jiang Province or in your province, she was more famous than me. Many people, including the party and government The cadres have only heard of Li Xiaolei, but not of me, Han Bo. My former leadership colleagues often joked that I am the man behind successful women.”
I really didn’t know anything about it, and I was shocked when I learned about it.
Before, I just thought that his wife was well-maintained. She looked only 26 or 27 years old when she was in her thirties, very young and beautiful. Having received higher education, he treats people well, is polite and generous, and is very good at talking.
I wanted to get to know the basic situation so that I could help her find a suitable employer, but I found out that she is a real “strong woman”. Not only has she won a lot of honors, but she has also been interviewed by three prime ministers, and even… As a member of the business delegation, he traveled with foreign committee members.
Others may not necessarily believe what Han Bo said just now, but the relevant authorities believe it.
The chairman of City Commercial Bank is a veritable “God of Wealth”. Local government leaders must be polite to her if they want to coordinate loans.
In contrast, the leaders of the Public Security Bureau are much more low-key.
Only the director has been exposed the most. How many people do the deputy director know? Not to mention that the masses may not necessarily know each other, since there are so many deputies in one unit, the leaders of other departments that are also part of the government, especially those outside the political and legal system, may not necessarily know the names of the deputy directors of the Public Security Bureau.
All in all, since his wife has education, ability and resume, it won’t be a big problem to arrange a job.
The Guan Bureau was about to propose that Li Xiaolei change her job. Han Bo continued: “Guan Bureau, I have never bothered to report to you about Xiaolei’s work at Xinyue Hotel. I want to review it. In fact, the reason why she went to the hotel was I want to work in the service indust



