friends. , today we are talking about the eighth chapter. Where did we mention it in the last chapter? By the way, when it came to the old Lord Jing, he picked up the glass of wine offered by the foreigners. For a moment, he hesitated in his heart, should I give him this face? “

friends. , today we are talking about the eighth chapter. Where did we mention it in the last chapter? By the way, when it came to the old Lord Jing, he picked up the glass of wine offered by the foreigners. For a moment, he hesitated in his heart, should I give him this face? ”
You can’t drink that wine,” Zeng Xianhong answered directly, “You will die within six months of drinking it!”
“Can you not say anything?” The fat man glared at him fiercely, then turned to look at the thin man, “Turn up the volume.”
There is a well behind the well is very popular, and many of the plots are known to everyone. However, in an era when entertainment is scarce, listening to it repeatedly is also a kind of entertainment – you can listen to a cross talk twenty times Well, that’s normal, right?
The thin man turned a round button, and the sound suddenly became louder.
The restaurant was originally deserted, but the voice of the storyteller carried far away in the spring rain. Soon, neighbors came over, and several children came over with their rice bowls in hand to listen to the story.
Later, when the rain got a little heavier, some people wanted to take shelter. Seeing the excitement here and hearing the storyteller, they also came over.
By the time the eighth chapter was finished, more than twenty people had already poured into the restaurant without realizing it. Most of them came to listen, but some people had nothing to do and ordered two pots of wine and two bowls of noodles. Eat and drink and listen.
After the storytelling was over, most of the people dispersed, leaving only five people in the store, including the two students.
Zeng Xianhong looked at the box and felt that he should do something, but for a while he really couldn’t think of it.
Chapter 47 Sensation
The two disciples were eating and drinking for a while. The thin man said, “Let’s go?”
/The fat man refused, “No, it’s raining. The song “A Song Every Day” will be sung by the Red Lady.”
” That’s okay,” the thin man nodded and spoke with a smile, “I also like Red Lady’s songs. What’s rare is that when the radio plays it, it’s as refreshing as the person in front of you.” ”
The stuff is good, but it’s too expensive. , It actually costs fifteen silver dollars,” the fat man sighed with a very distressed voice.
However, the expression on his face did not show the slightest trace of distress. On the contrary, it was a bit smug, “If it weren’t for the old man from Weiwei’s family who loves to listen to operas, I would really be reluctant to buy them. Anyway, this is also a point of our juniors.” Isn’t it your intention?”
Can you still listen to the show? Zeng Xianhong’s eyelids twitched again, always feeling that something big was going to happen.
After a while, a song by Red Lady was indeed played from the box. It was her famous song “Have You Ever Remembered by Daming Lake?”
After singing, the two teenagers had almost eaten, stood up to pay and left.
Zeng Xianhong knew that time waits for no one, so he said decisively, “You two ate



