irst, but when he saw the cultivator of the teaching room next to him, he finally just answered vaguely, “This matter, in the monastery, We attach great importance to it. Just rest and rest in peace.”

irst, but when he saw the cultivator of the teaching room next to him, he finally just answered vaguely, “This matter, in the monastery, We attach great importance to it. Just rest and rest in peace.”
/It was originally an achievement of the monastery, but half of it was taken away by the teaching room. To be honest, maybe even the other half could not be left behind – what kind of mess is this?
That afternoon, there was definite news that Director Li had indeed played a disgraceful role in it.
Chapter 77: The Bereaved Dog
The incident was revealed by the head of the military service room.
The head of the room didn’t want to say anything at first. He was also a member of the government system and was detained in the tour room. He was not convinced at first, so he refused to answer any questions.
Yes, he knew that he was in big trouble, but no matter what, he was acting under orders. Fear was inevitable, but he didn’t have much to worry about.
So his attitude is that he can ask me to explain the problem, and I am not afraid to explain the problem, but I have a request – you ask the county military officer to come and tell me.
Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for me to tell you. Do you know where the military service room is? May involve military secrets!
The people in the tour room were also bad. Seeing that he didn’t say anything, they stopped asking.
Two hours later, the people from the tour room came to see him and said that the military room had made a statement and they didn’t know what you were doing.
The director of the military service room is not a child, and he is not easy to deceive. I don’t believe what he said to you. If you want me to believe it, let someone from the military service room come and tell me so personally.
The person who recommended the room sneered disdainfully, and then asked: Do you think they are likely to come?
It’s definitely impossible. If he could come, it would be the military envoy who would come in the morning instead of him as the room chief.
The director of the military service room also knew this, so he said just find someone with a lower rank to come and give me some fresh air.
/At this point, he seemed to give up resistance – he didn’t even ask for the person’s level. If someone gave him a break, he could get off the slope.
However, the people in this tour room were so stupid that they didn’t even look for someone to come. Instead, they sneered and asked: Have you ever thought that if such a big thing happened, someone in the military room would always come out to take the blame?
It seems that you are also the head of the room after all, and you are quite young. How could you be so childish?
The director of the military service room was petrified immediately, and it took him a long time to sigh: Oh, forget it, it’s not an important secret anyway.
The person who instigated him to do this was Director Du of the Housekeeping Office. The so-called Housekeeping Office has a similar status to the Bowen Academy Office, and they are both res



