s, so you can understand that this is the sequel to The Condor Shooting.”

Old Xiong suddenly stood up, his whole body trembling, and a topic that was very popular on the Internet recently flashed through his mind:
Chu Kuang is getting better!
Isn’t it just getting better?
After finishing writing the martial arts “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”.
Not only did Chu Kuang not jump to other themes as he did before, but he chose to continue writing martial arts, and the story he wrote was the story after the Condor Shooting!
This has never happened before!
“Very good!”
Lao Xiong immediately made a promise with a sharp look in his eyes: “I will definitely take control of the publicity aspect personally to make this book surpass the score of The Condor!”
Beyond the Condor Shooting!
Old Bear is not joking.
Because Chu Kuang’s new book is the sequel to “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”!
With the foundation laid by the previous work, as long as Chu Kuang’s level does not drop, it is not difficult to surpass the score of the new book!
“Okay, I’ll send you the book.”
Speaking of this, Jin Mu’s tone suddenly became weird: “I haven’t had time to read this book yet, but at the end, Teacher Chu Kuang asked me to give you a sentence.”
“He said he wouldn’t change the plot.”
Jin Mu’s heart felt inexplicably when he heard this. He didn’t know what he thought of, and he suddenly laughed loudly:
“Starting again?”
“pretty close.”
The two of them talked like Riddlers, but they understood everything.
When these words are said, it usually means that a more sadistic plot has appeared in Chu Kuang’s novels.
“Do not worry!”
Isn’t it just torture?
Come on though!
After hanging up the phone, Lao Xiong received the manuscript of “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”, and the sender was none other than Jin Mu.
“The Condor Heroes!”
Chu Kuang has written many novels and has collaborated with the fantasy department more than once.
As for Lao Xiong, because of the special nature of being a professional editor, he has read every novel by Chu Kuang from beginning to end.
And in so many years of cooperation.
In all of Chu Kuang’s high-selling novels.
The martial arts genre is the one that suits Lao Xiong the most!
Martial arts is a fairy tale for adults. For an old man like Lao Xiong, the martial arts plot is actually the deepest.
He has experienced the most glorious era of martial arts. In his youth, he would hold on to a martial arts novel and never put it down.
At that time, the old bear was extremely happy.
It can be said that Lao Xiong finally entered the professional editing industry because of the trend of martial arts, which made him completely fascinated by novels.
It’s a pity that martial arts later declined.
Lao Xiong can no longer feel happiness from martial arts.
The Condor Appears!
This novel allowed Lao Xiong to regain the happiness he felt when he first read martial arts, and also allowed him to immerse himself in the world of martial arts again!
under such circumstances.



