Wei Renwu sighed: “Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue, why can’t you understand? Office drawers are usually where important information is stored. There is nothing in the drawer now, and there is no Li Yi’s office computer on the desk. This shows that Li Yi must have packed up his things and left, most likely to Langfang. And Quan Kai went to Langfang. From this point of view, he was looking for Li Yi. Li Yi didn’t want Quan Kai to chase him, so he took The car drove away with full speed.

Yue Ming was shocked and said: “Could it be that Li Yi is the ‘White Horse Thief’? He stole the scepter, so he ran away. Mr. Quan discovered this secret, so he went after him. It’s no wonder, he behaved so well yesterday He hates you so much and always targets you verbally. He just wants to drive you away because he is afraid that you will find out that he is the ‘white horse thief’.”
Wei Renwu stretched out his fist, slowly reached the back of Yue Ming’s head, hit it hard, and cursed: “Why are you so superficial? I give you some evidence, and you just speculate.”
“Isn’t it?” Yue Ming rubbed the painful back of his head.
Wei Renwu stroked his mustache and analyzed: “Judging from the superficial evidence, the first person to be suspected was Quan Kai. Now we can turn to Li Yi. Regardless of whether they are ‘white horse thieves’ or not, the two of them definitely know what’s going on.” Inside information, so what we need to do now is to go to the train station to find Quan Kai. Quan Kai must know where to find Li Yi, otherwise he won’t take any action. Hurry, Quan Kai may be leaving soon. .”
Yue Ming held Wei Renwu’s other hand without the crutch and said, “Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go.”
“Hey, pain, please be gentle.”
Wei Renwu was taken away by Yue Ming .
If you want to take a train to Langfang City in Beijing, you must take the Beijing South Railway Station.
Wei Renwu looked at the time, it was 11 noon, and urged Yue Ming to buy a train ticket, saying: “There is a train to Langfang at 12:30, and it is fully open. Although he arrived at the train station one step ahead of us, he was also ahead of us. It’s not too early, so he should be on that trip as well, so hurry up and buy the train tickets for us.”
Yue Ming fiddled with his mobile phone and said leisurely: “I just bought the ticket in the taxi that came to the train station.”
/Wei Renwu said: “Then hurry up and get your tickets.”
Yue Ming looked at the crowded ticket collection area and said, “Don’t be anxious.”
Wei Renwu said anxiously: “It’s only half an hour, but we haven’t collected the tickets yet. Do you think we should be in a hurry at this time or not?”
Yue Ming looked confident and said calmly: “Look at me.”
“Excuse me, sir.” Yue Ming said to the big fat man kindly.
The big fat man glanced at Yue Ming and said coldly: “What are you doing? Do you want to jump in line? Go to the back and queue up.”
Yue Ming was not angry. He still smiled and said, “Brother, our train is leaving soon, so can you help me get my ticket?”
“Don’t even think about it.” As soon as



