eat, I will cook it for you!”

“I want to eat you!” Mo Xiaonian said viciously.
Lin Feng smiled mischievously, picked up Noila Mo and walked to the bedroom: “Hey, you want to eat me. If you want to eat me, you should have told me earlier. I will let you eat me now, okay?” ”
“Asshole, bastard, put me down quickly, you bad guy!” Mo Xiaonian exclaimed, “You bad guy, I won’t do this when my relatives are here today.”
“It’s okay. It’s okay to run through a red light occasionally!” Lin Feng smiled evilly and threw Nok Xiaonian directly onto the soft bed: “Hey, before dinner starts, you are the appetizer.”
14. Yue Ming’s villa
Just when the host looked at the middle-aged bald man with great expectation, hoping that he would pay the price directly to 550 million for another hand, the middle-aged bald man suddenly raised his hand and said something to the host Everyone was stunned. New address: .xnb.
“I give up!”
As soon as he finished speaking, the whole place was in an uproar. Doesn’t anyone understand the purpose of his abandoning the auction? If it was just to set the price, then there is obviously no need to say that he abandoned the auction, which would definitely bring revenge on himself.
Lin Feng was slightly startled. Could it be that he had encountered the same high price as before?
“Abandon a shot?” Although the host was disappointed, he still said in a professional spirit: “It is the right of every bidder to abandon a shot. Now it is once for 510 million and twice for 510 million.”
/The host paused deliberately, but there was still no one to raise the price, so he could only make the final decision: “Five hundred and ten million, the transaction is completed. The final transaction party is Chairman Lin Donglin of our Jianfang Real Estate Company. We congratulate you.” he!”
There was warm applause at the scene. Although this lot was not the highest priced one in the entire auction, as the finale lot, Lin Feng took the photo. This person should be respected. The reason is very simple. This is the rule of the auction. , whoever took the grand finale deserves such applause.
“Director Lin, congratulations, but I haven’t seen you interested in bronzes before?” Zhugan didn’t say anything, but Secretary Li was a little curious. During this period, she has been by Lin Feng’s side almost every day. He also knew that Lin Feng liked ancient styles, but the antiques that Lin Feng handed over before were all small objects, and he had never come into contact with bronzes.
Lin Feng smiled: “I’m just curious. I have never touched bronze. Let’s buy it and have a look. If this sword is real, then it is worth the price. I even picked up a big leak. Let’s go. After the photo session, we went to sign the contract, and then we still didn’t get back the 4 billion yuan, haha!”
Since they were all backstage live transactions, Lin Feng came to the backstage of the auction after the auction. The person in charge of the auction was a manager from Tianqi Photography. When signing the contract, Lin Feng revealed to him what he



