stle is very complicated. If the two groups of No. 0 are unable to secure this place safely, although I cannot say that I am not confident, I am not 100% confident. Strength and blind arrogance are two different things. If you enter through the main entrance, you will definitely fall into the trap of the Bone Ooid Cult. But if I don’t go in through the front door, where do I go in?

stle is very complicated. If the two groups of No. 0 are unable to secure this place safely, although I cannot say that I am not confident, I am not 100% confident. Strength and blind arrogance are two different things. If you enter through the main entrance, you will definitely fall into the trap of the Bone Ooid Cult. But if I don’t go in through the front door, where do I go in?
After carefully walking around Crow Ridge Castle, after checking, I discovered that there was not a single window on all sides of Crow Ridge Castle. Even if there were windows, they had been closed, leaving only a hole. I walked around but couldn’t find a place to go in. And I also noticed that even though Crow Ridge Castle is so big, the gaps in the walls are all connected by barriers. The so-called connection barrier is like a laser cordon. A slight touch will trigger an alarm. If I use the Five Elements Aura to make a hole in the wall, the inside of Raven Ridge Castle will know it immediately.
“What a big deal.” It is a laborious and laborious task to make so many connecting lines. I once had the idea of ??doing this in my own base, but later I had to give up because it was too troublesome and the project was too big.
“There are no windows to enter from the outside, and there are barriers in the gaps in the walls. Can we only enter through the gate? But if you enter through the gate, you will definitely fall into a trap, and it will be equivalent to telling the people of the Bone Oo Cult that I have come in. That is too passive. It seems that We can’t get in today.” I now faced a difficult choice. If I wanted to save the snake, I had to rush in. But you will probably be discovered if you enter through the main entrance
/. Retreat to the iron gate of the resort. I was just thinking about it when I suddenly heard movement behind me. It came from the direction of the woods and grass. I immediately turned around and shouted, “Who is it?”
But no one answered. I immediately released my breath and shouted: “You want to sneak attack me? Don’t hide!”
As I spoke, I was about to kill him, but at this moment. An old man walked out of the shadows in the forest. He didn’t look like someone from Crow Ridge Castle, but more like a common man from a nearby village.
He and I looked at each other for a few seconds. This old man was wearing old blue work clothes, about sixty years old, and he looked a little panicked. I didn’t let my guard down. He immediately asked, “Who are you?”
He looked in the direction of Crow Ridge Castle, waved to me and said, “Follow me.” After saying that, he walked straight into the woods, and I immediately followed him. . Following him through the woods behind, we arrived at a place far away from Crow Ridge Castle. There was a large abandoned house in the middle of the woods. At this time, there were people standing in and around the house. Two strong men in their forties were guarding the door. They nodded after seeing the old man. Then he looked at me warily.
“Don’t worry, I brought him here.” The old man sai



