Junko Muliang. “Obviously this is a woman who Ashiya Yoshiko does not remember deeply. A woman who once held a very important position in the Yin Yang Residence has now disappeared.

Junko Muliang. “Obviously this is a woman who Ashiya Yoshiko does not remember deeply. A woman who once held a very important position in the Yin Yang Residence has now disappeared.
“Oh, I’m just curious, there is a photo of her as a woman in such a row of photos.” I nodded.
“That’s because she is the most outstanding female onmyoji. She was once the minister of the foreign affairs department of the onmyoji. She is almost the highest-ranking person in the onmyoji and is the idol of many female onmyojis. You have to know, even if In a large Onmyoji family like ours, there are only five or six male Onmyoji who can hold the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs.”
/“Oh? Is that your idol too?”
“Me? No, the idiom “I am not here” is correct, right? ”
Haha, no, take me in.” That’s the end of the chat. We still need to do business. I followed Yoshiko Ashiya and prepared to enter the data room. But Feeling something in my heart, I couldn’t help but look back at Junko Muliang’s photo.This mysterious woman seems to be somehow involved in my fate.
When she followed her into the room, what she saw was not a massive collection of books in a database in the traditional sense, but more than a dozen running computers. After 2000, the era entered the digitization stage, and all data were stored in the computer’s small hard drive. In fact, Americans began to use computers in the 1980s. In the 1990s, computers began to enter the office field, and typewriters and handwritten materials Start eliminating. By two thousand years. Basic office work relies on computers.
“All our information is stored in our encrypted server in Yin Yang Lao. Every computer is connected to the internal network. The money we spent on maintaining and strengthening passwords this year alone is a huge sum. So. There are no books here. There are only computers. You can check the information through the computer. I just applied for your temporary use rights.” She led me to one of the computers as she spoke.
In fact, Institute 507 also uses computers. Of course, it is not as systematic as the Ashiya family, but there is not even a computer in the Honshu Pavilion. Old Tao once mentioned this when he was still alive. He said that the main reason why he did not use computers was that he had to come into contact with many people when building computers and entering so many files. According to the usual practice of Institute 507, if so many confidential documents, historical materials, and precious code secrets are seen by many people, their memories will definitely be erased. Maybe even some informal means. So in order to avoid this, he suggested to Sha Lao that it would be better for the precious ancient scrolls to be kept by dedicated personnel.
I was dumbfounded when I looked at the boxy TV-like computer screen in front of me. I have only been able to operate a few household appliances in my life, and I was reluctant to buy something like a computer that cost tens of thousands apiece in the 1990s and was not convenient to carry around on my back at t



