help make it. There is cinnabar in it. My ancestors have a custom. If someone dies in the place where they live, they must use cinnabar to drive away evil spirits. But I didn’t expect such a misunderstanding to happen. I’m sorry. Don’t stop.”

help make it. There is cinnabar in it. My ancestors have a custom. If someone dies in the place where they live, they must use cinnabar to drive away evil spirits. But I didn’t expect such a misunderstanding to happen. I’m sorry. Don’t stop.”
If Brick makes a move here. Then our situation would be awkward. If we were locked up, no one could tell what would happen in such a narrow and lightless space.
/“Exorcism? What are you doing? This is a place for you to reform. Do you really think you are here for a trip? I confiscated your things! If there is a next time, I will put you in solitary confinement.”
After saying that, the prison guard took the cinnabar box and went out. Brick was a little unconvinced when he left, but he was held tightly by me.
“What should we do? The cinnabar box is gone. If that evil spirit comes to find us, won’t we be doomed?”
Brick sat down on the bed and mumbled non-stop. I comforted him a few words. At that time, the prison guard walked up to my door, knocked on it and said, “Ba Xiaoshan, someone is here to see you. Come out.”
I knew right away who it was, it must be a fat man!
Through the glass window, the fat man whispered: “I asked someone to bring in the things you asked me to prepare for you. Sandwiched inside the new quilt, there is a stack of talisman paper and a few pens, but I can’t bring in the cinnabar. “Can you get it in there?”
“No, I got a box today, but the prison guard confiscated it.”
I shook my head.
“Then I’ll think of a solution. By the way, what you asked me to ask Senior Han about earlier has been settled. I also did some research myself. The original address of this prison was originally a textile factory, and it was rebuilt before the founding of New China. , that is, during the Republic of China. There were many news reports about this place. It is said that there was a fire in this textile factory before, and two female textile workers were burned alive after the textile factory was burned down. The entire textile factory was sold to the then government at a low price, and the government converted the factory building into a prison. Therefore, if you find a ghost inside, there are two possibilities. One is the orphan of the prisoners who died over the years. Another possibility is that it was caused by the ghost of the female worker who was burned to death at that time. ”
I already knew what the fat man said, so I nodded and said, “Can you help me ask? How to draw a talisman? Is there any other way to deal with evil spirits?”
“Senior Han said that if there is no cinnabar, you can rely on blood to draw a talisman. However, it takes a lot of blood to draw a talisman, and drawing a talisman requires practice. If you want to succeed at once, you must be particularly talented or very lucky. He also said that if there is no talisman, If you want to subdue evil spirits, you need Dao Xing, but if your Dao Xing is not high, you may have to rely on magic weapons. ”
No one wants to stay in this hellish place any longer. Even though Brick was doing well



