land made up of pieces of earth emerged inside, and part of the land became extremely real. The magnificent divine power was integrated from the personality of the Earth Soul Dao Lord into the depths of his origin, making him feel like he was bursting. There is a general feeling of terror, but the operation of acquired spiritual treasures and innate spiritual treasures seems to be more confident.

land made up of pieces of earth emerged inside, and part of the land became extremely real. The magnificent divine power was integrated from the personality of the Earth Soul Dao Lord into the depths of his origin, making him feel like he was bursting. There is a general feeling of terror, but the operation of acquired spiritual treasures and innate spiritual treasures seems to be more confident.
“It’s still a little bit worse!”
Zhang Jian felt the majestic power in it, and his eyes fluctuated slightly.
According to the luck rules given by the Immortal Heaven Realm, this earth soul Daojun status only appears in bluish purple and has not been transformed into pure purple. Obviously, it is still some accumulation away from the Taoist status.
/But this is not a problem.
With the footsteps of many Taixu spiritual bodies measuring the heaven and earth, adding the divine form of the Nine Earths into them will surely allow the earth soul god king to be promoted smoothly.
Tai Chi Sacred Mountain, Qingshan Col.
A small house is located in the mountain col.
There are many villages around.
There is also a small market at the foot of the mountain, which looks very lively.
At this time, in the small courtyard, there was another slender young man sitting under the old tree at the door. Although he was dressed in coarse linen clothes, it could not hide his elegance. He had a slender figure, white fingers, and other The skin of the mountain people is completely different. Although they are young, the charm in their eyebrows is eye-catching. There are many young girls around who have passed by this place several times, with admiration and shyness in their eyes. Not even covering up.
Jiao Mu has long been accustomed to this kind of gaze.
After a moment, his eyes moved, and he saw a figure in green clothes slowly walking from the bluestone path in the distance. His eyes were filled with joy, and he immediately stood up and went forward to meet him.
Zhang Jian looked at the handsome young man in front of him, who was full of joy, and nodded slightly.
/Soon he stepped into the small courtyard.
In the small courtyard, a graceful figure with a graceful figure, beautiful face, also wearing coarse linen clothes, was mending clothes. When he saw Zhang Jian’s arrival, he also showed a little joy on his face.
“Immortal Lord!”
Zhang Jian said with a slight smile.
“You don’t need to be so polite. It seems that you, mother and son, are living quite comfortably during this time!”
The beautiful lady Yingying bowed down.
“Thanks to the protection of the Immortal Lord, otherwise our mother and son would not have such a pure and peaceful life!”
Jiao Mu was a little lively.
“Master, you don’t have to worry about my disciple. I now have a way to protect my mother. During this period, there were also people who wanted to attack my mother, but they were all beaten away by my disciple with three punches and two kicks. There will be no problem!” ”
When it comes to beating away those local snakes, there



