ot that simple. Some people will take risks and steal invitations from those who don’t seem to be that powerful in order to enter the venue. He even killed someone for it.”

ot that simple. Some people will take risks and steal invitations from those who don’t seem to be that powerful in order to enter the venue. He even killed someone for it.”
I was slightly shocked. The fat man asked in confusion: “What’s so good about this invitation? What’s the point of entering the venue and listening to a bunch of old guys chattering about things? Why are they all squeezing their heads to get in?”
“Let’s leave the infield aside for now. At auctions, things that cost one yuan outside can often be sold for ten yuan inside. Being able to meet rich and powerful people is also an important condition for developing business, and for those who sneak into the venue. You will have a lot of bragging rights when you come out, which is like looking for a job. If you say that you were a guard platoon leader for Chairman Mao, then you will be popular and popular with some small people in the street, even small sects. For a small organization, it is a great honor to have someone who has been to the Sanjiang Ghost Town venue as a guest or even an elder, and these people can also live a life of fine clothing and fine food. ”
Brother Yong smoked and detailed. said.
“Then we have to be careful. The four of us have invitation letters from Mr. Tang, but in the eyes of outsiders, we are not the kind of big family with hundreds of people coming in and out of the house. Maybe someone has already targeted us. !”
Fatty said in a lowered voice.
“Well, when I just entered the box, someone was already looking at us. I feel like someone is already looking at a few of us. Please be careful and don’t sleep too hard at night, so as not to be targeted.”
Brother Yong reminded me. He nodded and said, “Let’s do this. Luo Qiong and I are going to meditate at night. Fatty, you should sleep on your own. You need to recuperate your energy. Brother Yong, you should also have a good rest.”
As I was talking, the door of the box was suddenly knocked. I immediately shut up, frowned, and shouted outside, “Who is it?”
The people outside announced their home.
Brother Yong said strangely: “I have never heard of such a name in the Taoist church. Many people call themselves names. Be careful. They are probably here to trick us.”
/Opening the door of the box, a man walked in from the outside. Wearing a gray coat, the man is about thirty years old and has an unshaven beard. He gives me the feeling of a gangster who has been wandering around in the circle all year round.
“Hey, hello, everyone.”
He nodded after walking in and sat on Fatty’s bed. The door was open. Zhong Yong took out a cigarette and threw it over. The other party caught it and nodded hurriedly and said, “Thank you very much. ” Thank you.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a title like Canghai Yanshou. Brother, we’re not new to this. We should stop talking about this kind of nonsense. Is the name true?

The other party smiled and said: “Sure enough, I still can’t escape the eyes of the elder brothers. I made up the title. After all, I can make a name by ha



