“We have several questions here that each employee needs to answer when they join the company. Please don’t mind and tell them truthfully. “Just what’s in your mind”

“We have several questions here that each employee needs to answer when they join the company. Please don’t mind and tell them truthfully. “Just what’s in your mind”
After recruiting Xu Xinfei, Zhao Song hurried back to Zhonghai. At this time, he and Ding Tao were squatting outside the door of the conference room.
“Boss, this kid is so slick. He’s only been here for a long time, and he’s just being slick!”
/Zhao Song lit up a cigarette with a headache. The kid inside was just a chess player. He only remembered that Li Yu graduated from a technical school. , had been in the Jiangzhong Electronics Market like Rebus, and knew nothing about the others.
Unexpectedly, with the attitude of giving it a try, I asked Xingsheng to help me inquire, and I actually found this,
this bastard!

Multiple variants of the “worm virus” can be done by many senior programmers. It’s just that no one dares to do it.
Li Yu, a bold master who graduated from a technical school, not only made it, but actually spread it on the Internet.
But he never thought that the virus would have such a big impact. According to statistics, in addition to a large number of game accounts and QQ accounts being stolen, a total of millions of computers have been killed by viruses.
Moreover, Li Yu’s genius is that for the virus he created, anti-virus companies were unable to come up with specialized killing tools for a while.
“This guy has strong computer skills and is considered a top talent. I just want him to manage Tesla’s website.”
Ding Tao asked in surprise: “Then why do you want him to be in sales?”
Zhao Song was depressed. Looking at the Zhonghai Channel with people coming and going, he took a deep breath of cigarette and said: “I don’t trust him, he has to be watched, so let him work at the counter first.”
At this time, the door of the conference room opened , Li Yu walked out as if he had experienced the most important exam in his life.
Seeing that Zhao Song had no intention of getting up, Ding Tao dismissed him and wanted to go back to Channel 11.
After a while, Zhao Song got up and walked into the conference room.
“Aunt Zhang, sister, how are you?”
Sister Da Da, who was communicating with Professor Zhang, waved her hand and motioned for him to wait for a while.
It took five minutes for the two of them to reach a consensus.
“Zhao Song, how did you find this person?”
Zhao Song thought for a while and said: “I have a netizen in Jiangzhong who told me that there is a very powerful network administrator named Li Yu. As long as there is a computer problem in the Internet cafe, Just leave it to him and it will be solved in a few clicks.”
Sister Da Da nodded, looked at Professor Zhang, and then said: “In terms of judging human nature, there is no effective method even in foreign countries.
/Zhao Song sighed deeply. After all, he was the producer of ‘Panda Burning Incense’. After
released from prison, he was a repeat criminal who started working in an online casino. : 730,000
18-year-old teenagers can’t



