ted. Except for what Liu Qian got, they were all concentrated on people like Qianfan Guild. The pigs were fattened, and now of course they are. It’s time to kill the pig for meat.

ted. Except for what Liu Qian got, they were all concentrated on people like Qianfan Guild. The pigs were fattened, and now of course they are. It’s time to kill the pig for meat.
After hearing what Liu Gan said, the scene suddenly became quiet. Ren Qianfan, who was originally arrogant and didn’t even look at the other person, frowned slightly and looked at Liu Gan opposite him carefully, probably thinking that he heard something wrong. .
After a moment of silence, the players of Qianfan Guild suddenly burst into loud boos.
“Did I hear correctly? He said he single-handedly challenged our entire guild?”
“Are you scared to death?”
“Funny, he is serious.”
/“No, he wants to die, but he wants to die heroically. We need to understand!”
After a moment of shock, the members of the Qianfan Guild began a new round of ridicule towards Liu Qian and booed him overwhelmingly.
“Okay, I agree with your proposal. You will challenge their entire guild alone until death.” After a moment of silence, Electronic Sound agreed to Liu Qian’s proposal.
After the electronic voice’s words fell, a curtain of light spread rapidly around where the players were, shrouding Liu Qian and all the members of the Qianfan Guild. Others were pushed around by the light curtain, forming a small enclosed duel field with a diameter of more than 100 meters inside the light curtain.
There is also a dividing light curtain in the middle of the duel arena, which divides the entire duel arena into two halves. One half is empty, with only Liu Gan standing there alone. The other half is crowded with people, led by level 8 Ren Qianfan. More than a hundred members of the Thousand Sail Guild.
Apart from the five Mo Fans, the only people remaining outside the light screen as spectators were the ten lone players who had not joined any party.
“Let us go in too!” Wang Lujia slapped the light screen and yelled. Her heart was broken when she saw the lonely Liu Gan trapped inside.
/“We won’t be able to help him if we go in. We can only be a drag on him.” Mo Fan shook his head.
“Brother Liu underestimated the enemy too much! It was us who caused him trouble.” Ke Ming looked at everything in the light screen with a worried look on his face.
“Brother Liu is a smart man. He never does anything he is unsure of. Let’s not disturb him by shouting.” Mo Fan felt unsure, but he still comforted his companions with a few words.
The five people were all watching everything in the light curtain with great nervousness. Of course they hoped that Liu Qian would win. As long as Liu Qian won, it would mean that they survived in the end. If Liu Qian lost, they would fall into the Qianfan Guild. In the hands of the members, one can imagine what the outcome will be.
Ke Ming and Wang Lujia even made the decision to drink bullets and kill themselves once Liu Gan lost the duel.
You must know that Liu Qian is facing the entire Qianfan Guild! And they are all high-level players above level 6 now, and there are more than 20 level 7 players, not to mention the level 8 pre



