st, they want to regain it. It’s hard to trust him. In addition, Liu Qian had helped them so much before, and it seemed too unloyal for them to run away when he needed their help.

st, they want to regain it. It’s hard to trust him. In addition, Liu Qian had helped them so much before, and it seemed too unloyal for them to run away when he needed their help.
Therefore, Mo Fan could only bite the bullet and rush up. Fortunately, Liu Qian and Shen Longtian were in front to attract fire. The enemy might not be able to notice him for a while, at least they should not focus their fire on him. Come.
/The place where Liu Gan and others were hiding was not too far away from the side door, only a few dozen meters away. It only took less than a few seconds for Liu Gan to rush to the side door with concentrated fire attacks. The guard at the side gate of the Holy Sword Camp noticed the menacing and unstoppable appearance of the incoming man, and immediately fired more bullets at Liu Gan, hoping to forcibly destroy Liu Gan’s outer armor and then shoot him on the spot.
The three howitzers were also loaded again, preparing to carry out a large-scale bombing attack on Liu Gan and the people charging behind him.
“Kill! Kill!”
Ke Ming and others rushed over with the entourage in front of them opening the way, shouting to encourage themselves. If they had not experienced the cruelty of the war between the two districts, they would be afraid at this time. My legs were already weak from fear.
Just when more bullets were fired at the people behind Liu Gan, and the howitzers were about to fire another salvo at them, most of the firepower near the side door suddenly went silent and rushed to the side door that was blasted open by the blue fireball. Liu Qian threw a large-scale mental shock at the location, causing all the more than ten garrison soldiers in front of him to have tingling brains, stiff bodies, and temporarily losing their ability to attack.
Liu Gan jumped several times, stepped on the blasted ruins, and rushed to the machine gun post. Only then did he realize that the machine gun post was on top of an all-metal fortress. No wonder the grenade attack just now did not pose any threat to it!
While the machine gunner was still recovering from the mental shock, Liu Gan stuffed a grenade with his wristband through the shooting hole of the machine gun barrel.
‘boom! After a loud explosion, the hatch on the top of the metal fortress was blown open. Liu Gan jumped into the metal fortress from the exploded hatch and found that the grenade explosion did not kill the man in the metal fortress. Armored machine gunner.
“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”
Liu Gan took out the shotgun, pulled the bolt and fired several shots. A large number of shotguns packed with powerful destructive energy hit the machine gunner at close range, and he was knocked out within a few seconds. The remaining energy of his armor destroyed his external armor and beat his body into a pulp.
/The machine gun fortress is the key to the defense of the side entrance. After the machine gun fortress is captured, most of the defense of the side entrance is destroyed. Under normal circumstances, a player less than level 10 would not be as



