by step. In such a real and thrilling world with such a high degree of freedom, it is conceivable that there will be endless possibilities after the server is launched. They are really looking forward to it!

by step. In such a real and thrilling world with such a high degree of freedom, it is conceivable that there will be endless possibilities after the server is launched. They are really looking forward to it!
Liu Gan looked at the excited expressions of these players and didn’t know what to say. Maybe there were a few people like him who didn’t care about being trapped in the game, but most of the players were just here for leisure and entertainment. , once you know that you are trapped in the game and can never return to the real world, you will definitely collapse.
“We will be forced offline in one minute!” the electronic sound from Novice Village reminded the players again.
“Remember what I said, after logging out, wait at least two hours after the server launch time, check the news and there are no problems, and then consider whether to enter the game. I told you that you will be trapped in the game I am not lying to you, it will really happen. Although it is a bit sensational, I just know it.” Liu Qian whispered a few words to Wang Lujia.
/“Okay, I listen to you, then we can only meet again for the time being!” Wang Lujia said goodbye to Liu Gan with some regret. She actually wanted to stay with him for a while longer, but she didn’t expect that the system would force them all to log off. Line.
“Countdown to forced offline”
“Ten, nine, eight, seven”
“Three, two, one.”
Following the prompt of the electronic sound, the hundreds of players gathered in the Novice Village Square turned into a ball of black mist one by one. Disappeared, and finally
only a dozen people remained.
These dozen or so people looked at each other, looking at each other, as if they were wondering why others were forced offline, but they were still left in the server.
Among the dozen or so people, there were Wang Peng, Wang Lujia, their friends Mo Fan, Ke Ming, Li Qingyi and his girlfriend Tian Shasha, as well as some players they didn’t know very well.
Originally, Wang Lujia and Liu Gan were mixed in the crowd and did not meet up with her friends. Now there are only a dozen or so of the hundreds of people left, and they can easily see each other.
“Huh? Why is the system menu in front of me missing?” A player stood there looking in front of him strangely, tapping his hands around in the air in front of him.
“Me too!”
“Me too, why weren’t we forced offline?”
“It doesn’t feel right! Why do I feel like I’m in the game?”
“Yes! The sensor hood on my head Where are my VR glasses? Why can’t I touch them?”
The remaining dozen players seemed to become a little panicked after looking at each other.
Liu Gan looked at Wang Lujia beside him and couldn’t help but frown. It was obvious that his benefactor was now among the dozen players and had not been forced offline. And listening to what they just said, they seemed to be Stuck in the game early?
Things are getting a little complicated!
“It’s over, it’s over!” Wang Lujia’s hands were also clicking around, and then touching her head, face and body.
“What’s wrong?” L



