Xue Jian grateful. Liu Qian has so many strong men under his command, and he doesn’t care about his few people at all, nor does he care whether he is willing to stay in the team, so there is no possibility of dividing his people in the future.

Xue Jian grateful. Liu Qian has so many strong men under his command, and he doesn’t care about his few people at all, nor does he care whether he is willing to stay in the team, so there is no possibility of dividing his people in the future.
What’s more, Xue Jian and Liu Qian had been friends for several years in the game “Unexpected Realm”. He stayed in Liu Qian’s team and knew that Liu Qian would not treat him badly.
“In this case, we are all a family, and there will be no need to differentiate between each other in the future! Let’s serve Master Liu together!” Zhang Shengli smiled and patted Xue Jian on the shoulder.
“Work for Mr. Liu!” Xue Jian also smiled and quickly adapted to his role in the new team.
After reorganizing Du Sheng’s camp and expanding the staff again, Liu Gan also had a more urgent need to seize the Serenity or other large ships and airships parked in Qingpu Port. Otherwise, the safety and rations of so many people would be a big problem.
/Liu Qian’s character originally liked to work alone, and he didn’t expect that so many team members would gather around him along the way. But now that he has reached this point, he decided to take on the responsibility of a leader and lead him with him. They established a safe camp.
Even if he wants to act alone in the future, with the management of people like Zhang Shengli and Wang Decheng, he will not worry about the safety of the rear. He can still go out alone to explore, but when he needs people, he can always call people from the camp to help. .
Although Liu Qian himself is very strong and has the personal protection of Galaxy, it is easy to survive in this apocalyptic world, but he also knows that in this apocalyptic world, no matter how strong a person’s power is, there is a limit. While strengthening his own strength, he can also establish A strong team that is true to itself is also useful.
/“Master Liu, I found a notebook on Du Sheng’s body. There were some maps and other things drawn in it. I don’t know if it is of any use.” Zhang Shengli came to Liu Qian with a notebook and handed it to Liu Qian. in front of.
This is an exercise book. I don’t know where Du Sheng got it from. It has some random things written on it, and also draws a few maps. There are also some papers in the book, which are obviously not the papers in this book.
The map he drew is basically the area that Du Sheng has passed through since he was teleported to the game until now. Each map is very detailed. Judging from the order of the map, he should have been teleported to the mountainous area on the southern outskirts of Tranquility City. He traveled all the way northeast until he reached this place.
Du Sheng’s initial teleportation place was very close to Qingtai Mountain. He walked all the way here, and in disguise, he marked the route Liu Qian would take in the future. There was a large prison painted on this route. Du Sheng must have felt that it was The prison is a very suitable place for camping, so it is clearly marked.
The prison was almost on th



