ock ability stronger than before without upgrading. It’s powerful, even so powerful that it will make you immune to mental attacks in the future.

ock ability stronger than before without upgrading. It’s powerful, even so powerful that it will make you immune to mental attacks in the future.
/Now only the night light was on in the cabin, and the cabin door was closed. There was only Liu Gan in the small cabin. After Liu Gan got up from the bed, he pushed open the small cabin door and came to the large cabin outside. He walked around carefully. I felt it.
I have to say that this dream is very real. It is easy for people to not distinguish between reality and dreams. Just like now, Liu Qian feels that what he steps on, what he touches in his hands, what he sees with his eyes, everything is different from reality. There is no difference at all in the world.
/Just like when he first entered the world of trembling, he found that there was no difference between the world of trembling and the real world, so now he doesn’t seem surprised or anything, he just feels and experiences it seriously, looking for the difference between the dream and the real world. Very subtle difference.
It may not be appropriate to say that it is the difference between the real world and the real world. After all, this is not the real world, but the trembling world. The current situation can be said to be the difference between the dream state and the waking state. But after comparing and comparing, Liu Qian really couldn’t find any difference between the situation in this kind of dream and when he was awake, just like he couldn’t find the difference between the real world and the trembling world.
In another cabin.
“Why haven’t you fallen asleep yet?” Han Guangming asked Zhao Meng. The two iron beds in this cabin were very close to each other. Zhao Meng was rolling around without falling asleep, and the iron bed made a squeaking sound, which made Han Guangming also It was so noisy that I couldn’t sleep.
“I don’t know whether to say something or not. I just want to discuss it with Captain Han. Captain Han, don’t blame me and don’t go to Master Liu to file a complaint against me.” Zhao Meng said in a hesitant tone.
“What are you talking about? Tell me, it’s just a discussion between the two of us. Why should I go to Mr. Liu to file a complaint against you?” Han Guangming looked at Zhao Meng strangely.
“Well, I think what Mr. Liu does sometimes is not appropriate. For example, when he came over, why didn’t he arrange for someone to guard the submarine? There was no one to guard the car at the airship last night, so everyone got on the airship, and the car It was lost, and all the team members were trapped in the airship. Now there is no one to guard the submarine, and the submarine is also lost. We are trapped here without knowing how to get back. “Zhao Meng told Han Guangming what he was thinking.
“Are you thinking about this? Send someone to stay behind to guard the small submarine? The small submarine is locked outside the isolation cabin of the dock. No one else, except Mr. Liu, can get in without fingerprint and password verification. Who should stay behind to guard again



