little more troublesome to acquire. , I need to contact several executives of the company for help. They are Interstellar Investment, Han’s Automobile, etc. If everything goes well, I think I should be able to successfully acquire it, but the negotiation time will be very long, and it can be made into an independent company. theme.”

little more troublesome to acquire. , I need to contact several executives of the company for help. They are Interstellar Investment, Han’s Automobile, etc. If everything goes well, I think I should be able to successfully acquire it, but the negotiation time will be very long, and it can be made into an independent company. theme.”
When he said this, he couldn’t help but want to laugh, because if he really succeeds, it will slap the face of many people, especially the faces of a group of fund company managers.
Just thinking about this matter makes me feel a little hopeful. Having money and power does not mean that they can do whatever they want, but they can indeed do things that many people cannot accomplish in their lifetime. The
reality show continues to shoot, and when the crew and staff After they were ready, Han Xuan and Anya put on microphones to collect sound.
This program has no theme. Basically, Han Xuan can film whatever he wants. If he can use this opportunity to advertise the promotional activities of several online shopping platforms, he will naturally not miss this opportunity.
After a brief introduction to the camera, Han Xuan talked about the promotions on Gossip, BuyFun and other platforms in detail, and then turned on his laptop. There were still more than ten minutes until 10 o’clock, and now the activities have not started yet, so Multiple people accessed the page, but there was no sign of lag for the time being, which made him feel pretty good.
/Ms. Victoria had already recovered from the shock. At this time, she thought of some questions. Standing out of the camera’s reach, she asked him, “Han, how much do you expect the turnover of this event to be?” ”
Yeah. I can’t answer this question, because no online shopping platform in the world has carried out similar promotions. I dare say that the discounts are definitely the biggest. Some of the products are almost sold at the original price. This time my The online shopping platform will not make even a penny. It is purely to attract customers, and even spend hundreds of millions of dollars to increase and improve servers, improve logistics conditions, etc. In addition, the freight this time is calculated at half the usual price, which will definitely I am losing money, so the more I sell this time, the more I lose. On average, by adding a new user, I will lose about three to ten dollars. I hope users around the world can see the sincerity of my company. If I have to estimate , I hope that the global sales for a whole day can reach three billion US dollars, because more of them are selling various electronic products, so it may be possible.”
Han Xuan said to the camera with a smile, judging from the experience of his previous life, every In the early stages of the rise of home appliance companies, losses will inevitably occur. This is a pain in the early stages of e-commerce development. They are simply burning money to attract user groups.
/It doesn’t matter whether he makes money in the early stage or not. What’s important is to



