n is completed in the future, ‘ls’ will have an impact The possibility of elections in the four federal states is a political potential that no consortium has ever possessed in the history of the United States.

n is completed in the future, ‘ls’ will have an impact The possibility of elections in the four federal states is a political potential that no consortium has ever possessed in the history of the United States.
Of course, we still have to do a lot of hard work to realize this dream. Although the group is very well funded, the construction is…”
“You have entered a misunderstanding, Charlie, we do not need to build hundreds of cities,” Zhang Lisheng stood up, walked to the window and looked at the endless grassland, interrupting the words of his federal industry spokesperson, “But we need to build A huge farm that can provide sufficient food and meat for federal citizens.
There are currently more than 200 Wuli survivors with diplomatic status in Noah’s territory. I plan to move all these devout believers to the LS oasis and give them high-level The ability of the priests allows them to quietly use divine magic to cultivate farmland, and at the same time absorb refugees on a large scale to fill the manpower gap on the farm.
Those refugees are undeployed bombs for the freedom of the states, and they must be happy for the LS Group to help defuse them The fuses of these bombs, and these poor people in our hands, will become a bargaining chip that allows us to free our hands and develop our farms with peace of mind. It is a taboo for politicians to cause a humanitarian disaster…” Chapter
606 Planning and Interview
Zhang Lisheng’s words were still unfinished, but the two men in the wooden house understood his meaning at the same time. Charlie thought for a moment and said: “I understand, boss, move a large number of people to the ‘ls’ oasis, and then spread your message among them.” Faith is our most basic plan.
In fact, the purpose of my plan is also the same, but it is more conservative and roundabout, but your plan shortens the steps…” As he spoke, he turned his attention to the legal officer of LS Group.
Edward took over the topic knowingly, “But the plan is feasible.
The American Constitution guarantees freedom of belief. Long before the ‘space gate’ appeared, the large farms built by the Mormons and Puritans in California and Texas were It is almost a ‘kingdom of its own’ and lives a medieval life in full accordance with its own teachings.
/Many women who escaped from the farm publicly complained that they were abused by designated incest, or deprived of their right to education. Some were even beaten to death for resisting. , but what was the result? Because of the legal protection clauses of belief and the difficulty of obtaining evidence, everything was settled in the end.
So if we preach on the ‘ls’ farm, as long as there are no evil cult incidents such as mass suicides, I can guarantee that No one can bring trouble to us at the legal level.
By the way, boss, we can set a trap when we first sign the employment contract and restrict the freedom of the immigrants in a short period of time until we successfully brainwash them.”
“It is very good to use laws that guarantee freedom to rest



