Qingyun frowned, “Cooperate with you? You Aren’t you kidding?” “Do you think I’m joking?” Yin Kuang said, “There are wild beasts chasing you behind you, and so are we. Why don’t we both escape together, and then the two wild beasts will collide. As long as they are together If we fight, won’t we be safe? Also, you’d better get rid of the smell of blood on your body first. Otherwise, even if you escape this wave of beasts, there will be another wave of beasts.”

Qingyun frowned, “Cooperate with you? You Aren’t you kidding?” “Do you think I’m joking?” Yin Kuang said, “There are wild beasts chasing you behind you, and so are we. Why don’t we both escape together, and then the two wild beasts will collide. As long as they are together If we fight, won’t we be safe? Also, you’d better get rid of the smell of blood on your body first. Otherwise, even if you escape this wave of beasts, there will be another wave of beasts.”
Tang Rouyu said in time: ” You can use the leaves of the plants around you to effectively remove the fishy smell.”
A group of people in Class 1236 were embarrassed for a while. Apparently, they ignored this. However, Lu Guo still said: “We know it without you having to tell us. It’s just that we were in such a hurry that we forgot about it for a moment.” After saying that, he pulled off the leaves of the plant and smelled it, “Oh, this smell is really unpleasant. Smell.”
“What are you talking about? You want to die!” Li Qingyun yelled, grabbed a handful of plants and touched himself, and then said to Yin Kuang: “Okay! High five as an oath, we will cooperate for the time being!”
” Only for this exam.”
/Yin Kuang added, and then high-fived Li Qingyun.
Afterwards, the two parties gathered together and ran in the other direction. It was soon submerged by the ocean of primitive jungle.
When the sun is in the sky, it is noon.
“Should it be safe now?” Zeng Fei asked Bai Lu, “Smell it with your nose.” Bai Lu punched Zeng Fei, “How do you speak?” Zeng Fei smiled and said, “Sorry, sorry, What I mean by this panting is to use your werewolf perception ability to check.” Bai Lu said: “No, I’m tired!” Zeng Fei could only smile.
Yin Kuang said: “Don’t worry. It’s safe for the time being. When I was still in the jungle, I used the G Eye Technique to check. A ball of red light proved that many wild beasts gathered together.”
At this time, Qian Qianqian came over holding water with leaves and said: “You have been running for so long, let’s have a drink of water. Here.” Bai Lu smiled “hehe” and said: “Thank you, thank you.” After saying that, he didn’t care. He took it and drank heavily. Qian Qianqian felt bitter for a while, but had no choice but to look at Yin Kuang speechlessly. Yin Kuang smiled and said, “Thank you. By the way,” Yin Kuang took out a red wild fruit from his pocket and threw it to Qian Qianqian, saying, “I picked it casually on the road.” ”
Tsk, tsk, I said Yin Kuang, you can’t do this. You are a typical relative who loves sex.” Bai Lu said with a smile, and then said to Zeng Fei and Wei Ming who were around him: “You think so?” Zeng Fei was drinking Qian Qian Qian brought the water, with a fat smile on her face and said nothing. Wei Ming said, “Bai Lu, you’re too embarrassed to compete with another girl.”
“Well, it’s just talk.” Wei Ming’s words made Bai Lu embarrassed.
Qian Qianqian was a little embarrassed after being teased, but she still said to Yin Kuang: “Thank you.” Then she gave Bai Lu an angry look and said, “You know how to ta



