in Kuang’s cheek with his index finger and said with a smile: “You are not the only one who can change. Oh. Everyone changes. But, do you like me now? Or don’t you like me?”

in Kuang’s cheek with his index finger and said with a smile: “You are not the only one who can change. Oh. Everyone changes. But, do you like me now? Or don’t you like me?”
Yin Kuang said frankly: “If you look at it purely in terms of appearance, anyone will like beautiful things. Lu
Xia Leng smiled and said: “So you just like it, huh?”
Yin Kuang had a headache. The difference between the Lu Xia Leng in front of him and the Lu Xia Leng in his impression was so big that he was a little at a loss. Seeing Yin Kuang’s appearance, Lu Xialeng chuckled, “If those who are afraid of you see what you look like now, they will definitely be very disappointed.” Yin Kuang asked: “Why?” Lu Xia He said in a cold tone: “Because a man who can’t even get a woman, no matter how scary he is, can only weigh a few pounds. What do you think?” ”
Are you trying to provoke me?” Yin Kuang took a deep breath and resolutely He stood up, turned around and looked directly at Lu Xia Leng, and said: “President Lu, if this is the only way you are willing to help me, then I can only say ‘I’m sorry’.”
/Lu Xia Leng’s face instantly turned cold. He came down and said: “Seriously? Yin Kuang, you should know your current situation. Without my help, you will never win Zhu Tong. If you fail, you have to agree to her three conditions, any conditions! You know Does ‘any’ mean? Including suicide, including making you surrender at her feet, including letting you kill Tang Rouyu and Qian Qianqian with your own hands, and even letting other men enjoy your woman.” ”
Enough!” Yin Kuang shouted With a sound, he stared at Lu Xialeng and gritted his teeth and said: “I will never lose!” After saying that, Yin Kuang took a breath and said: “Since President Lu is very busy, I won’t bother you. Farewell.” After that, He strode towards the door.
However, before Yin Kuang took two steps, a cold hand grabbed his wrist and pulled hard. The force was so strong that Yin Kuang couldn’t resist, and he was pulled over. Just when Yin Kuang thought that Lu Xia Leng was about to take action, a delicate body fell into Yin Kuang’s arms, and a pair of arms just held his back.
“You bastard! Bastard! Bastard!” Lu Xialeng shouted excitedly, “Are you not even willing to lie to me? Even a lie is enough! Do you really think I will rely on you? ? Will I destroy your happy love? Bastard! Bastard! I’m just very scared. I just want a hug to rely on. Why are you so stingy? Given the opportunity to resurrect my parents, I will no longer be myself. Hongye simply wants to take over my body. She has never wanted to resurrect my parents. She has always done it for herself! I am very afraid that she is a god. I’m scared that she will come back, I’m really scared, wuwuwu!!”
Feeling the moisture on his chest soaked with tears, Yin Kuang stood in a daze.
In the dimly lit room, in front of the flickering screen, the woman clung tightly to the man’s strong back, pressed against the man’s broad arms, and cried. Gradually, the man’s heart seemed to be melted by the helpless and sad cries and



