. You can catch big fish such as sea wolves, mackerel and even sailfish. For convenience To pull out the line, this kind of dragging rod is usually equipped with a pulley at the end of the rod, and is used with a drum wheel to pull up big fish.”

. You can catch big fish such as sea wolves, mackerel and even sailfish. For convenience To pull out the line, this kind of dragging rod is usually equipped with a pulley at the end of the rod, and is used with a drum wheel to pull up big fish.”
Han Xuan came to the wall that Zaitsev pointed to, and there were twenty or thirty dragging rods on it. , the huge pulley is wrapped with a wire about two millimeters thick.
Judging from this scale, it is estimated that the length of a reel of fishing line is more than two hundred meters. I picked a piece at random and it was quite heavy in my hand.
/There were originally seven fishing enthusiasts on the BB, and together with Han Xuan, there were ten in total.
After each selected a trolling rod, the sailors helped move a bucket of live herring bait and squid bait to the stern platform of the boat.
Han Xuan saw someone scooping out the herrings and pouring them into the prepared water tank. The long herrings were commotion violently and splashing in the water.
I didn’t know what it was for, but I saw that they were very busy after hanging up the squid bait and installing the trolling rod at the stern of the boat, so I didn’t ask.
If you don’t know how to fish, look to the experts.
Follow their lead and let Gabriel help install the fishing rod at the stern of the boat.
As the fishing boat moves forward slowly, it shakes the pulley and releases about eighty meters of fishing line.
I was full of joy, hoping that the fishing rod would move, when I heard a neck-numbing sound, and my eyes followed the sound of “Oh, vomit, vomit”.
One of Isabelle’s bodyguards became seasick and lay on the deck retching.
With a gloating smile on his companion’s face, he patted him on the back, and then said something to Isabelle in Portuguese.
After hearing this, Han Xuan translated for the second-generation ancestors who came from Canada, “He was asking if there was any medicine to treat seasickness on the ship.” ”
Yes, I will get it for him. I used to be seasick, and the feeling was really unpleasant.”
After Reeves finished speaking, he walked to the cabin
. After the bodyguard took the medicine and sat on the recliner with his eyes closed to rest, the fishing boat No. BB suddenly accelerated.
If you want to catch albacore tuna easily, you can only try your luck unless it is during the spawning period when they gather in large numbers.
Rely on the radar to find the general direction of the fish school, and then hope to encounter the tuna school by chance, and they will happen to take the bait.
The BB was moving in a circle on the endless sea, approaching the boundary line of Gumball Sea Ranch.
My eyes were fixed on the trolling rod, hoping it would move.
This is where the school of albacore tuna was last seen, and perhaps they will stop here briefly.
Han Xuan picked up the bottle of mineral water sent by the sailor and said thank you.
Seeing his appearance, Zaitsev smiled and said: “It’s not that easy to get hooked. Sometimes you may not be able to catch a



