e Shadow Wutong Forest, Yin Kuang came to the “Jingling Lake” in his memory. Looking around, the ink-like lake stretches into the distance, not just where it ends. The calm lake surface not only does not make people feel lifeless, but also gives the illusion of vitality. The only awkward thing is that the lake is ink-colored and cannot reflect any scenery. When Yin Kuang walked to the lakeside, he suddenly felt a pulling force, and at the same time, strange murmurs sounded in his ears. The “Jingling Lake” seemed to have some kind of magical power, attracting Yin Kuang to go and find out.

e Shadow Wutong Forest, Yin Kuang came to the “Jingling Lake” in his memory. Looking around, the ink-like lake stretches into the distance, not just where it ends. The calm lake surface not only does not make people feel lifeless, but also gives the illusion of vitality. The only awkward thing is that the lake is ink-colored and cannot reflect any scenery. When Yin Kuang walked to the lakeside, he suddenly felt a pulling force, and at the same time, strange murmurs sounded in his ears. The “Jingling Lake” seemed to have some kind of magical power, attracting Yin Kuang to go and find out.
However, when Yin Kuang stepped on the edge of “Jingling Lake”, he suddenly felt a chill engulfing his whole body. He was so shocked that he quickly backed away and stayed away from the lake. “Is there a ghost in this lake?” Although he was close and far away. He walked to the lake shore, but Yin Kuang was still palpitating, “This school is full of weirdness, it’s better not to wander around in the future.” However, the moment Yin Kuang turned around, his body froze, and his eyes looked towards In a certain direction, motionless, like a sculpture.
/In the distance, beside the Jingling Lake, under the dark red and gloomy sky, beside the shadowy sycamore forest, which is as dark as ink and blinking, a pure white figure is left alone in the world, and the white and snowy dress is floating like a fairy, like ink. The clear water of the lake made the slender and pure white figure more and more vivid, and she really looked like an immortal who had been banished to the mortal world.
A thick khaki robe wrapped the pure white figure, and a man’s magnetic and gentle voice sounded: “If you don’t have a good rest at home, what are you doing out here alone? And here at Jingling Lake” , what should I do if I fall in?”
“How can it be so dangerous? Don’t bully me because I can’t see, there are still a few steps away from the lake shore.” A somewhat coquettish voice sounded, and she leaned on the broad chest of the khaki figure, “Besides, you don’t have to worry about me getting bored if I stay bored at home all the time.” “When I finish working for a while, I will take you to Narnia to relax. The air there is scented with flowers, and finally It’s suitable for you to recuperate, okay?” “Really? It’s good, but aren’t you afraid that Aslan will kick you out? It was really angry last time.” “Haha, Aslan is not like you. You think so stingy, he is the God of benevolence. By the way, don’t you also keep saying that you want to see Susan every day?” ”
Humph! Do you want to see me or do you?”
“That’s right. I felt ‘him’ presence just now, the boy who carries destiny, I think he should have ‘seen’ me.”
“Oh? Did you ‘see’ it? This is strange. It seems that even you don’t know this kid’s secret.” “Haha, otherwise you wouldn’t be qualified to be a place of luck.” But the next moment , but she let out a sigh, “Alas”
“What’s wrong?”
“He redeemed the Dragon Soul Enhancement.”
“Yes, I know.”
“But you don’t know that the Dragon Soul Enh



